The book project is an assignment where you as a student individually give your own interpretation
on a Dutch book in an innovative way both visual and content. This includes a package that 
does justice to the subject.

The story is about an eighteen year old Philip who is visiting his uncle.
His uncle asked every time if he brought anything. Philip always brought an object.
His uncle said that Philip had to travel and explore the world. And so did Philip.
After traveling half of Europe, he came back to his uncle. His uncle
asked if he brought something, but this time Philip said no.

Actually his uncle didn't mean objects he wanted to see, but experiences.
My interpretation of the book is that I bring something back.
Those are my experiences of traveling. Because I travel a lot and I love it!
At the end of the story you can find all these experiences on transparent paper.
That 's what I brought. The choice of transparent paper is because all kinds of 
experiences can be seen behind each other.
With every experience I made a sentence ​​by connecting words with red thread.
In that case every sentence got a unique shape. I searched through the whole book to find the
perfect words that made the perfect sentences. Some sentences are connected throughout
the book, and some sentences are connected at one page. 

The title of the book is Meegebracht, the Dutch word for brought. The shape under the title
is from the sentence 'I brought something for you' at the end of the story. The font of the title
seems like a red thread, so it fits well with my concept

For work: French title page, title page and copyright
First chapter: All negative words highlighted
The other four chapters: Connected sentences through the story
At the end of the story: All my experiences (shapes of each sentence)

Cover: Sequi Bold
Titles: Minion Pro Italic
Body text: Minion Pro 

The packaging is made from recycled paper from Taiwan. The reason that I chose for this paper
is because they used a red kind of thread through the paper wich comes back in my concept.

I hope it 's clear what the assignment was, Hope you like it!

- Jenine
Folding the spreads.
My book and my dummy, without the dummy I was nowhere!
For example, this is one experience (a sentence) and the shape on transparent paper
that will be found at the end of the book.
This is the same shape like on the cover.
Book - Meegebracht

Book - Meegebracht

The book project is an assignment where you as a student individually a Dutch story to interpret, in an innovative way both visual and content. T 阅读更多内容
