Profiel van Roadly -

Repair Your Potholes

Repair Your Potholes or It Could Cost You More Than You Know

Imagine that you’ve just had an amazing year of business, and potential growth on the horizons. Perhaps you just reached maximum occupancy in your thriving property, or hit exponential profit levels post pandemic lockdown. Either way you are on Cloud 9.

A loud thump is heard coming from your parking lot, a destroyed tire and airbags deployed in a vehicle. An important client sues you for negligence of commercial property, injuries, and damages. Even with legal counsel, the court orders you to pay reparations. You are now down 200,000 and forced to foreclose due to lack of funds.

This story might sound far-fetched, but this is exactly what happened in Brevard County, at a friendly neighbourhood restaurant. Melbourne restaurant was ordered to pay more than 230,000 dollars in claims for medical expenses and suffering. This could all have been avoided had they treated and maintained their small parking lot.

Let’s investigate the maximum costs, In terms of every aspect of a sustainable parking lot.

Pothole filling can be completed by yourself, for yourself. Materials and tools costs less than 50 dollars, and you don’t even need to sacrifice that much time. Crack sealing is similar, construction technology has advanced so much in where large asphalt machines aren’t needed for an easy fix. Simply purchase some cold pour crack filler and let it settle for a while. These two quick remedies won’t even cost you a day’s worth of wage.

Preventative parking lot maintenance is even better when it comes to asphalt work. Sweeping and general hygiene is a must when it comes to quality perception. A broom works fine, but pressure washing solutions can help your cause. Seal coating can be completed yourself, squeegees and asphalt emulsions total less than 80 dollars, leaving an amazing shine on your lot, as well as protecting the ground itself from elements and stresses.

Going to the next level and enhancing your lot with markings and traffic work can raise the value of your business itself. Re-paint your parking lot lines with a one-time investment of a line striping machine. Purchase traffic control markings and bollards to control flow, and protect areas solely for pedestrians. These small initial expenditures can even help with your insurance costs due to the lessened probability of liabilities.

Doing the math, a yearly cost of less than 500 dollars outweighs foreclosure and bankruptcy.

Here at Roadly, we ourselves have parking lots to take care of. We understand the struggle and worries, but we are here for you at every step of your lot maintenance journey. Every product above can be found in stock on our site, and we’ll get it to you in no time.

Repair Your Potholes

Repair Your Potholes
