Fae Hunter sin profil

Horro Icon Project

By Fiona Hunter
My first assignment in Digital Skills was to create a set of four icons. The icons could be the subject and style of our choosing. I decided to create icons based on classic horror movies. 
I tossed around the idea of making the icons the masks of the killers, but thought that the weapons would be more interesting. You have to be a fan to identify what movie the trademark weapons, and with the kind of website I imagined these being used for, that worked better. 
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Chainsaw (top left)
Friday the 13th, machete (top right)
Halloween, kitten knife (bottom left)
Nightmare on Elm Street, finger gloves (bottom right)
We were tasked with limiting to 4 colors, which I did do, but with the 3-D style I wanted I had to use values of each. 
Horro Icon Project

Horro Icon Project
