South Carolina Mushrooms
These are photographs taken on a Samsung S21 Mobile Device. These photos are of what I like to call "Backyard Mushys". I apologize if quality isn't the best, this is my first attempt at a project, I hope you enjoy.                                               Also there is a snail and a slug cameo, see if you find them.
^^ Yes, what you see is a mushroom growing on a very small piece of bark, one of the coolest I found. Just had to give it its moment.
^^This was a difficult location to navigate, despite that, this particular mushroom was quite large even next to my garden shears.
                                                Here lies the jiggly mushrooms.
^^Despite their dull and matte finish, these were jiggly.
^^I was able to just barely tap these guys and they did all the work, wish the video I took published well, unfortunately it did not.
                                       And last, but never the least, The Tiny Ones.
Thank you so much for scrolling through, once again sorry for the bad quality of some of these, Hoping to get a camera soon to continue to capture these amazing wonders.             P.S.   If I have anything to say to anyone who views this, do some exploring of your own, it's beyond worth it! -Jasmine




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