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cococean rebrand
cococean is a coconut drink chain founded in 2016 in Beijing. cococean is dedicated to making nutritious and tasty Thai coconut more accessible by offering close-to-hand stores everywhere and flavorful options that taste great. They came to us with a clear need: to help them figure out their value proposition and expand the brand through their chains across China online and offline with a more consistent identity. After our research synthesizes, coconut water is not solely a commodity cococean offers to the market. We surprisingly found that there is a healthy life view and lifestyle they aim to introduce to the wider world. We integrated a new motto—“always live like an islander”—into every part of cococean’s daily operation, from its product R&D to brand communications.
cococean 在2016年成立于北京,带着“让健康美味的饮品更可得”的目的,提供营养、天然、泰国原产的高品质椰子水。从 2021 年开始,在店面快速扩张的需求下,原有视觉系统已无法适应、难以延展,于是品牌希望我们能帮助 cococean 找到适合自己个性的定位,并由此发展出新的线上线下视觉系统。在与创始人的沟通及调研中,我们发现椰子水对他们来说不仅是一种高品质的产品,更是一种生活方式的输出,是提供心灵慰藉的媒介。在这样的启发下,我们帮助 cococean 总结出“心怀绿岛的生活方式”这一价值主张,成为其品牌沟通、视觉系统延展的设计原则,这个原则同样对其产品、对外合作、营销活动等公司运营的方方面面起到指引作用。
Focusing around a central character, a coconut with a straw in it, their former identity was predominantly led by illustrations of it in various organic, witty situations. Though these illustrations had already gained a place in their fan’s hearts, a bigger challenge is facing them: the illustrator-initiated illustrations are too unique to be extended by in-house, which is an obstacle to further expansion. We were asked to help them articulate their value proposition in a clear and compelling way and communicate it with a new, adaptable visual system.

While more and more options are provided in the market, among consumers there’s a growing tendency for a fear of unhealthiness and a hunger for better-quality beverages to arouse. To gain a more intimate understanding of consumer’s views of new rising beverages, our team began extensive field research at the onset of the project, conducting interviews on different consumer segments, visiting and documenting different drink shops and rationales to understand their behaviors and feelings.

It became apparent to us that one side of the coconut product spectrum is processed coconut-flavored beverage, and the other side is dizzying coconut tea provided by tea drink chain brands. Overall, consumers usually view coconut drinks as stereotypically a commodity to be beloved by coconut extreme users. Compared with the coffee landscape, there are tons of life routines and living spaces derived from coffee culture. Consuming a cup of coffee is never just for the sake of drinking coffee, but also a very moment giving people joy and creativity to get started their day. It turns out that having an easy enjoyable healthy moment perfectly matches natural coconut water consumers’ aspirations. These insights led to our re-examining the status quo and identifying what ought to be the new industry standards for life, which requires a rebalancing of health, comfort, and self-fulfillment.
cococean 原有的品牌设计中使用了非常有机、风趣的插画,它很大程度上决定了品牌的基调,在其原有的品牌粉丝中也已经形成了一定的品牌印象。但他们遇到了新的挑战:当 cococean 想要增加店铺、将健康的饮品选择带给更多人时,其原有的插画太有个性而难以复制。如何重新梳理品牌、找到其核心价值进行发散是他们遇到的困境。

Our team brought clarity to this design challenge, creating a robust brand proposition and cut-through visual identity for consumers that will help cococean enlighten a sense of an intimate comforting island lifestyle. While researching and studying the methodology to draw these clumsy, witty, organic illustrations, the team ended up all mastering perfect imperfection - we let loose, we up the play and we accept sketchiness.

Nowadays, coconut drinks are no longer a new rising beverage in the market anymore. It successfully gets into people’s daily life and gradually plays an important role in consumers’ healthy lifestyle. Starting from a small shop, cococean has opened more than 30 shops now nationally, driven by their cohesive goal and mission of making nutritious and tasty choices more accessible. Having held more than 100 outdoor events, cococean aims to create meaningful moments through its thriving community of like-minded, temporary islanders. We, with the same spirit, would like to resonate with more people and bring a healthy, joyful impact to the wider world. We would also like to keep shaping a more sustainable future with like-minded brands.
基于以上洞察,我们提出了一个适合 cococean 理念的发想:创造心怀绿岛的生活方式。受到海岛式生活的启发,cococean 不仅仅是把天然、原产自泰国的优质椰子水作为一个产品带给城市居民,更重要的是在城市中充当一个媒介,重建人与他人、朋友、自然之间的关系。于是,如何保留品牌原有插画的性格、体现其品牌愿景和使命,创造个性鲜明又易延展的品牌形象成为了我们的设计挑战。

视觉策略上,我们创新地提出了以“幸福岛民”为基础的可延展的插画系统。这个系统由以椰子及其他健康有机配料为灵感创造的岛民形象组成。我们设计了一套属于 cococean 的插画绘制方法,让任何人都可以画出这样可爱的形象。在这个系统中,所有角色可以自由成长,每一幅插画都像是真正发生在cococean这片城市绿岛上的故事。我们避免给这些形象起名字,希望观众在看到这些角色的时候会有代入感,会希望自己成为其中的人物,自己为这些角色赋予含义和故事。​​​​​​​我们创作了一条独一无二的影片,生动地介绍了 cococean 想要带给消费者的世界观。我们还为cococean设计了一套日常可以在微信使用的表情包,让可爱的角色融入生活。在品牌沟通当中,我们建议 cococean 多与理念相似的品牌互动,共同为品牌粉丝带来新鲜、触手可得的健康生活体验,打造轻松的“幸福社区”。


cococean rebrand
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