22nd Francophone Festival in Greece

22e Festival du Film Francophone de Grèce
Athènes, Thessalonique 29.3 - 6.4.2022

The main visual for the 22nd Francophone Film Festival for Institut français de Grèce is based on the idea of how we perceive the enjoyment and emotions that are generated when we come in contact with a cinematic work. From visual stimuli and aromas to the flavours that come to mind.
The final composition consists of elements that refer us to all of these, and are combined with this year's central tribute to gastronomy through a digital collage.

We were responsible for the main artwork and all offline applications. Posters in various sizes, banners in different formats and the animated version of the main artwork for the cinemas. We also designed 6 more different compositions that were used to differentiate the sections of the festival. 

Check out full programme here

Design Direction, Illustations: Penny Zevoli @Synthesee.com
Presentation Design: Marina Tzatzo @Synthesee.com
Audiovisual Attaché, FFF Director, IFG: Theo Koutsaftis 
Head of Communication Dept,​​​​​​​ IFG: Tina Fotopoulou
Assistant, Press officer, Communication Dept,​​​​​​​ IFG: Stamatina Statigou
Digital communication manager, Communication Dept, IFG: Barbara Savvidi
FFF Logistics & Film Traffic, IFG: Danai Tezapsidou​​​​​​​
Offset print: Imprimature Davias
Digital print: Striligas, Artgraph

22nd Francophone Festival in Greece