Fall Film Festival
A friend of mine was hosting a film festival and wanted me to design a poster and social media posts she could use for publicity. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to design it at first, so I brainstormed some ideas first. A main idea I focused on was film strips and how delicate they were, but to avoid clichés, I tried to think of other things that were delicate to focus the design on instead. Since the film festival was on October 22nd, I thought it would be a creative to incorporate leaves/fall with the film festival. Leaves are delicate like film strips, so I used those as my main idea. Looking back now, I could’ve used the film strip and leaves together since the design focuses on fall more than the actual event.
This is the word map I made when beginning the process:
This was the pinterest board I used for more ideas:
These were my sketches that inspired my final project:
Below is the final poster and social media posts:
These are mockups I created to show my friend examples of what it would look like:
Mockups from Freepik 
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/poster-sign-mockup-window_3763821.htm#query=poster%20mock-up%20psd&position=4&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by rawpixel.com</a> on Freepik
<a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/social-media-post-mockup_32892105.htm#query=social%20media%20post%20mockup&position=3&from_view=keyword">Image by xvector</a> on Freepik
Fall Film Fesitval

Fall Film Fesitval
