Perfil de Matt McKee

RB&G Case File Cover: Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!
Welcome to the end of 2022 and our 23rd annual Studio Holiday Card shoot!
This year, we went a little existential with the story...

The goal of these cards started out, 23 years ago, as a way to create a seasonal holiday card that was not the stock shot or illustration of a snow flake.

We also did not want to do the family portrait of us all in our perfect little sweaters, in a perfect little place, posed in the perfect way.

No, we wanted to do something a little different.
We decided to create a story. Not the usual "what we did last year" kind of thing. But, a story that would entertain our families and clients.

And, a visual image that would give me an excuse to
1) play with the kids
2) exercise my photo illustration skills.
The results are a series of adventure books, styled like the old Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Adventures, with a bunch of story excerpts inspired by both those books and the stories the boys and I would share with each other.

If you would like to see more about each card, with behind the scenes tidbits, go to
RB&G Case File Cover: Happy Holidays!
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RB&G Case File Cover: Happy Holidays!

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