Marlén Holden's profile

Unsolicited redesign project: reMarkable product page

I've taken Erik Kennedy's fantastic course "Learn UI Design", and have learned a lot from his live redesign sessions and unsolicited redesign projects. I've even done a few myself.

I own a reMarkable and think it's a fantastic product. I love their sophisticated profile and high-end 'tone of voice', but I thought some of the pages on the website didn't really express that. I spent some hours playing around, and this is the result.
Product overview page

The dark theme sets a more sophisticated mood, and enhances the products and awesome images. The products you'd want to push the most (reMarkable2 and the most expensive folio) pops the most thanks to contrast in color, size and shape compared to the rest of the page.
Online store

I had this idea that a more interactive 'hands on' take on an online store would be fun to explore. In the desktop example below I tested a digital buying experience with resemblance to a physical shopping experience:

On the "counter" you'll start with the reMarkable2 itself. Then you can drag accessories from the side menu and drop it on the counter. As soon as you drop it, the items will snap into a nice, predetermined composition that looks smashing for the amount of products you've added to the cart. Yes, it would be a bit of a hassle to maintain, but since reMarkable has quite few products it would be more manageable than with for instance Apple products and accessories.

There's a lot of stuff that could have been explored more and this was just a quick example, but very fun to test.
Before redesign

This was what the actual online store looked like at the moment I did this redesign exercise.
Unsolicited redesign project: reMarkable product page

Unsolicited redesign project: reMarkable product page
