Universeum is located in Gothenburg Sweden, the building has what seems to be promotions for events/activities in the building. Universeum has a mission statement on their website, “Universeum is the national science centre of Sweden. We give children and adults the knowledge and power to make the earth a better and more sustainable place to live. The world’s most important mission. At Universeum, we explore the world through science and technology. The experiences increase children’s and adults’ knowledge of everything from atoms and artificial intelligence to the Big Bang and biodiversity. We believe in putting experiences, subjects and questions in a larger context. See them in an interdisciplinary perspective that makes us understand how the world is connected and works. Making us see our own part in the big picture. We believe in science. Therefore, everything we do is based on a strong scientific foundation. It is important that there is a public arena such as Universeum, a place where citizens, academia, business and the public can meet.  We believe in human ability and the will to make a difference. To do good. Our part in this is to give people the knowledge and power they need to make the earth a better and more sustainable place to live.” 
I approached this redesign of Universeum by looking into the colors used on their website for the different sections of the science center. I looked at the architecture for inspiration in the shapes and forms included in the logos. I was inspired by looking at other examples such as MoMA with different ways to display type and color related to an exhibit.
Sketches and Digital Development

