Profil appartenant à Ozan TortopProfil appartenant à Pervin Özcan

Twinkle Just Won't Go To Bed



Evolution of the Cover


Twinkle Just Won't Go To Bed

“It's time for Twinkle's to go to bed...but he'd rather play a game instead! Twinkle's bedtime adventure is full of tra-la-la songs, boogie boogie beats and twirling loop-de-loops! Oh Twinkle! Will you ever get to sleep?”

A playful picture book that aims to have fun before bedtime as a family.

Author: Nadia Sunde
Illustrator: Pervin Özcan
Art Director: Ozan Tortop
Publisher: Music and Story Play
Booksmith: Tadaa Book
ISBN: 9780994609731 (Paperback)

Twinkle Just Won't Go To Bed
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Twinkle Just Won't Go To Bed

"Twinkle Just Won't Go To Bed", A playful picture book that aims to have fun before bedtime as a family.

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