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Netflix CEO Admits he Overlooked Value of Advertising

Reed Hastings, the founder and co-CEO of streaming behemoth Netflix, recognized the significance of advertising in generating money for the firm.
According to Hastings, he wishes the firm provided advertising in its services earlier. However, he stated that he grew too focused on the intense rivalry from other market giants such as Facebook and Google.
For many years, Netflix shunned the concept of commercial bundles. However, the firm went through financial difficulties many months ago. This encouraged management to look for alternative methods to make money.
“I didn’t believe in the ad-supported tactic for us. I was wrong about that. Hulu proved you could do that at scale and offer customers lower prices. So we did switch on that. I wish…Read More

Source — Kivo Daily
Netflix CEO Admits he Overlooked Value of Advertising
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Netflix CEO Admits he Overlooked Value of Advertising

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