Emily Lorenzo 的个人资料

04 | UX UI: Kraft Klub Website

04 UX UI: Kraft Klub Website 

Project Brief
This project uses the brand of project 400.2 as a starting point and consists of creating and executing a user journey 
in the form of a mobile app or desktop website. UI elements, layout and user-friendliness are considered. 
Through different rounds of prototyping and user testing the design of the app or website is refined to reach the best outcome.

Design Strategy
The focus when designing the Kraft Klub website was to create a user friendly extension of the physical space and community. The continuation of playful shapes and colours were used to establish  a warm welcome, and grab the user’s attention and interest in continuing the journey. Clearly notifying users about upcoming events, and designing the flow of securing their ticket to be as effortless as possible was set up as the primary journey and priority goal. To add personality, and enhance the feeling of community, the blog and newsletter form the secondary layer to the website. 

04 | UX UI: Kraft Klub Website

04 | UX UI: Kraft Klub Website
