Old VS. New Label Sticker Used on Take Out Bags
Key changes I've made to the sticker design are:
- I used the yellow brand color and used the chicken logo in the background to subtly reinforce the brand and improve the aesthetics.
- I removed "order online now", because I found it to be aggressive on a take out bag and replaced it with "thank you for your order", which I believe sends a better message and increase customers retention .
Old VS. New Label Stickers Used On Food Containers
Key change I've made to the sticker design is I used the yellow brand color and the chicken logo in the background to subtly reinforce the brand and improve the aesthetics.
Old VS. New Gift Card
Key changes I've made to the Gift card design are:
- I removed the word gift card from it, because  it's redundant.
- I used the yellow brand color and used the chicken logo in the background to subtly reinforce the brand and improve the aesthetics.
Gingham Food Wrap Variations 
Chicken N' Dough


Chicken N' Dough
