BONEMAN is a short game I developed in Processing in my Computer Science 103 class at Berry College. You play as the character depicted in the Main Menu screen wearing the skull mask. It's up to you to collect bones across the map while avoiding the police. They've got an eye out for your suspicious behavior so make sure not to make any noise on your hunt. If you snap a twig, the police may just hear you and come your direction! If this happens, you need to hide behind a tree until its safe to come out. Then you can continue and collect items. After collecting everything, you have won and completed a successful hunt.
This project has been incredibly important to me as I have learned many new skills and can really start working on projects like this on my own. I now know how to code a player that can do different actions and animations as well as putting them in different states. With these tools I now have the building blocks to make a fully fledged game and I can't wait to polish up this one.

