Project Brief

A unique concept was developed for a hardcover printed book based on a person whose story is worthy of telling. Students had to conduct in-depth research about their subject in order to develop an editorial concept and narrative strategy, as well as write partial original text for the book, develop a design concept and execute selective imaging components.
Convincing prototypes, presentation boards with 3-D mock-ups, had to be produced for the book. Only a selective part of the book was to be executed and showcased. All the text and imaging components of the book had to be original and self-generated by the students.

Design Strategy

The design strategy of this project was to capture the character of the subject of the book. The illustration and typography style depict a punk rock, pop explosion and eccentric story while the writing remains intentional and structured.
The subject of this book is a South African Musician and music producer.He has been part of the industry since 2003, releasing original electronic music & Afrikaans songs. He co-founded a music production studio called Planet Awesome.

On the weekends it is all rock and roll – drinks, music, outfits, stage persona, but on weekdays, Peach is a cosy , calm man. He lives in Greenside with his two cats that means everything to him. He has a collection of artistic teas  and loves gardening. Pierre is also very known for his mary jane habits and he doesn’t go a day without smoking. He is a very mindful person, who indulge in meditation and journaling very often. This is a very big part of his live. And he proclaims that this keeps him sane.

This book is a manual or guide of how this Rockstar keeps his sanity. Peach van PletZEN is the ZEN rockstar.

Project deliverables

01 Original text
02 Editorial spreads (Dust cover, cover, endpaper, title page, imprint page, contents page, chapter title pages, text spreads)
03 Presentation boards — mockups of the final book
Visual Exploration
Flat Spreads Designs
Hardcover design, dust jacket design and endpaper designs. 
Endpapers designs
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05. Information Design


05. Information Design
