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acne scar treatment

Just when you are hitting the adolescent age with rising fantasies and adrenaline together, an alien on the face shows up. This has a more significant potential to turn off even the brightest day. Yes, Acne poses a more significant threat to your confidence and happiness.
Stop struggling with home remedies and ineffective methods to remove acne scars. Be smart and switch to the advanced acne scar removal treatment in Chennai to experience crystal-clear skin naturally!
What is Acne?
Your skin has open pores; below such open pores, sebaceous glands are present. These sebaceous glands secrete oil naturally. When this oil mix with dead skin cells, and dirt, the pores clog and become prone to infection, rising out like a pimple.
Acne is more stubborn and is often subject to long-term conditions. It is due to the steady work of a bacteria called, Propionibacterium acnes. But most adults, both men and women, are prone to it, which is curable with proper dietary practices and medicines.
Severe acne conditions are treatable through peel treatments, lasers, and therapies.
We would be delighted to serve you with our services, Let us get in touch with you
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How Does Acne Occur?

Stages of Acne Development
Stage 1

Oily skin
Clogged Pores
Slight Acne
Stage 2

Oily skin
Clogged Pores
Lots of Acne
Stage 3

Oily and Inflamed Skin
Clogged Pores Acne
Papules and Pustules
Stage 4

Oily and Very Inflamed Skin
Clogged Pores
Severe Acne
Many Papule and Pustules
Sebum is a natural moisturizer for the skin, which keeps the surface hydrated. When you apply more products to the skin, for instance, if someone with oily skin uses topical oily products to remove the excess oil and prevent infections, it causes acne.
Triggers of Acne
Excess secretion of oil in sebaceous glands
An increase in male hormones (Androgens)
Allergic reactions due to medications
Overuse of cosmetic products or choosing the wrong product
Pollution, dirt, and dust
acne scar treatment


acne scar treatment


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