Young-ha Kim Ted Talk Proof of Watch
I really enjoyed watch this ted Talk. Young-ha Kim was just so passionate about art and capturing it in others, it just made me entertained and listening closer. One thing he said that I really remembered was when he was talking about how we become critics of people or things that we wish to do ourselves but never did, saying ""I would love to be on TV"? Why would we love it? TV is full of people who do what we wished to do, but never got to.They dance, they act -- and the more they do, they are praised. So we start to envy them. We become dictators with a remote and start to criticize the people on TV. "He just can't act." "You call that singing? She can't hit the notes." We easily say these sorts of things. We get jealous, not because we're evil, but because we have little artists pent up inside us." this stuck with me because I realized how normal it is to rip people and things to shreds thinking we could do better, not necessarily because we are mean or mad but because we are artists. 
Ted Talk Proof
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