Wireframe Demonstration.
Video Link is a mobile application to help find individuals with similar career interests in video production to network with in geographic community.
Personal Profile.
Showing profile pic, name, career interests(appear as groups), members in groups, messages and a button to create events.
Selecting members to receive a message.
Either creating an event or just sending a message will lead to this interface.
Other's profile.
Clicks on small profile pics will lead to this interface, no matter he/she is a member or not.
Showing profile pic, name, gender, interests, experience, education, groups and a button to send messages. 
Typing message.
Messaging to group members and to others are with the same interface.
Sent messages.
After sending messages this interface will appear.
Inbox interface.
Clicks on "inbox" on top right will also lead to this interface.
Video Link

Video Link

Video link is a mobile application to help find other individuals with similar career interests in video production to network with in geographic Read More
