Climate Pursuits
Leading the ascent
The founder had one belief; that the great outdoors is the best agent to inspire climate change action. He had a dream of turning this belief into a business. There was only one problem, at that stage Climate Pursuits only existed in his head. We challenged ourself to a 4 week pro-bono brand sprint to give his amazing idea meaning and creativity.

We followed a four step process for this project; understanding, meaning, creativity, delivery. In week one, we got to grips with what the business would be, and helped put this on paper. Next we worked on the creative and brand strategy, and established our big idea of ‘leading the ascent’. Week three was the fun bit... creating an epic logo and visual identity that brought to life our strategy of ‘inspiring action through adventure.’ And in week four we worked with him to establish what key touchpoints would be most helpful to get the brand off the ground. We rolled the branding out across a landing page, pitch deck, social assets and roll out that brought the idea to life. To quote th founder, ‘This approach led to an output which is simply awesome, and [Noise’s] work has provided me with the strongest possible foundation to grow the business and brand identity.

Climate Pursuits