Joe Sloans profil

Artscream Social

Joe Sloan | Suspension of Decrease | Ice, Axe, Rope
Joe Sloan | There's a Time and a Place for Everything | Video Projection
Heidi Böening | Extraterrestrial Vacation Rental | Mixed Media
Jacob Dali Rivera | Rooster | Ink on Paper
Jacob Dali Rivera | Various Illustrations | Ink on Paper
Jeff Allen | Tina | Mixed Media
Mariah Dietzler | The Naked | Photography
Mariah Dietzler | The Elephant in the Room | Wire
Taylor Roy | By the Numbers | Photocollage
Artscream Social

Artscream Social

Artscream Social was a one night exhibition of contemporary art by ten artists from San Diego, CA. Mediums included sculpture, illustration, pain Läs mer
