A palimpsest /ˈpælɪmpsɛst/ is a manuscript page from a scroll or book from which the text has been scraped or washed off so that it can be used again.
I wanted to explore the change that a palimpsest has on the idea of sculpture. At what point does the new take over the old? If you take an object out of its natural enviroment and place it somewhere else, have you inadvertertantly created something new? These are some of the questions that led me onto this piece. The form of the log caught my attention as soon as I saw it. The fragility of the old decaying wood almost reaching for its place in the heavens almost feels like it is ready to embrace death. Had it not been for me it would have probably been warming someones cat up on a log fire. 
I decided to breath new life into the log which was beautiful in every sense of the word in its own way. I went on to select certain areas of the log which I could carefully shave back and reveal the new onto of the old. I was careful not to go over the top and let the wood tell its own story.
Wood For Tree's

Wood For Tree's

My latest sculpture looking at palimpsests
