Profil appartenant à Nina Campbell

How To Be A Magical Girl | Visual & Motion Design

Winner of the 2023 AAF Nebraska Advertising Awards - Silver Award
I had to design an engaging "How-To" poster that demonstrates my grasp of fundamental graphic design techniques, including typography, grid systems, color harmony, and shape manipulation. I ensured that your instructional guide features a minimum of 10 entertaining and distinctive steps, paired with eye-catching graphics and compelling headings.
How can I design a fun poster infographic that gets the message across to viewers clearly in a creative way?
With the intention of creating a standout instructional poster that appeals to a wide audience, I chose the captivating subject of "How to be a Magical Girl". Drawing inspiration from anime such as Sailor Moon and She-Ra, as well as the League of Legends Star Guardian Summer Event, I aimed to pay homage to the genre of "magical girls" and the iconic imagery and colors that make it so beloved. Despite not having watched Sailor Moon as a child, I have always been enamored by its aesthetic and the passionate audience that surrounds it.

Guided by the aesthetic and imagery of Sailor Moon, I infused my own design style to bring a unique twist to the "How-To" process. I embraced my love for feminine aesthetics by incorporating vibrant colors and shape language that enhances the overall appeal of the poster. My goal was to create a visually stunning poster that not only teaches viewers how to become a magical girl, but also captures the spirit of the genre and the magic it holds.
Print Graphics, Vector Illustration,Visual Design, Mockups, Motion Design
Nov 2022​​​​​​​
Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
Solo Designer
School/Portfolio Project
While motion graphics was not a part of the assignment, I challenged myself to create a short animation of the poster in After Effects. The music is from Riot Games from their 2022 Star Guardian Event, one of the leading inspirations for this design.
​​​​​​​To ensure that my project would be one I was truly passionate about, I brainstormed five different "How-To" subjects and evaluated each one's potential. My aim was to choose a topic that reflected my interests and allowed my personality to shine through in the design. From anime to video games, shows, and design, I carefully considered each option. In the end, I decided to tackle the challenge of creating a "How-To" guide for becoming a magical girl, as I felt it was a unique and ambitious subject that had the potential to evoke feelings of awe and excitement in both those familiar and unfamiliar with the topic. To further my design process, I curated a moodboard of inspiring Behance projects to serve as a source of inspiration for my typography, layout, and overall design. My goal was to craft a poster that not only taught the process of becoming a magical girl, but also embodied the magic and wonder of the genre.
From the start, I recognized the importance of laying out the composition and structure of my poster. This framework would determine the overall aesthetic and guide the rest of my design process. I aimed to create a design that not only conveyed information, but also had artistic merit. To achieve this, I opted for a vertical 2'x3' poster format and centered the design around the magical girl transformation. The remaining steps were arranged in a radiating pattern, reading from left to right. I chose to omit numerical labeling and instead relied on the layout to guide the reading flow. I first created rough concept sketches to establish the overall structure. Then, I refined the design with a second sketch that incorporated potential graphics and other elements. Additionally, I mapped out the color choices and their placement. With these key elements in place, I was ready to take my design to the next level.
Building upon the conceptual foundation established in previous stages, I moved on to digital execution. I began with a textured gradient as the backdrop and meticulously crafted the design elements to complement each other. My color choices, graphics, and typography were carefully selected to create a harmonious and eye-catching aesthetic. The main title, "Magical Girl," was adorned with a serif font for its sophisticated elegance, while all other text was styled with a clean and modern sans serif font to maintain legibility and not detract from the overall appeal of the poster.
In this project, I honed my vector graphic design skills while bringing my idea of a magical girl instructional poster to life. I made sure that the layout and composition were established before delving into the details, opting for a vertical 2'x3' poster with a focus on the iconic transformation. The background was given a grainy gradient effect and the typography, graphics, and color palette were carefully selected to be cohesive and appealing. The serif font for the "magical girl" title added elegance while the sans serif font for the rest of the text kept a modern, clean look. The omission of numbers in the chronological process allowed for a unique approach that showcased my creativity and interests in a fun and informative way. Overall, I am thrilled with the outcome and believe that it effectively conveys the message while embodying my style.
How To Be A Magical Girl | Visual & Motion Design
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How To Be A Magical Girl | Visual & Motion Design

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