Rée-An Augustin's profile

Original World Press

Original World Press
Book cover designs for academic endeavours
Original World Press was established in 1994 "to give expression to those voices which tend to be excluded by the mainstream publication industry." OWP is an offshoot of the Afro-Hispanic Institute Press, which released its first books in 1987. Still a small press, OWP aims to become medium-sized by spring 2012.

Each of these publications is an academic endeavour delving deeply into its subject matter; authored and edited by professors and scholars of Howard University (Washington, DC). The designs’ objectives were similar: to adequately reflect the spirit of the respective cultures, to deliver visual impact on bookstore shelves and to show some aesthetic continuity as editions that I’ve designed for the publisher.
"Decoding Carnival: Creole Bacchanal, Pan-African Festival", edited by Drs. Ian Smart and Koren Bedeau; printed and published in 2010:
The illustration combines two memorable icons of what is regarded as "the Greatest Show on Earth" - a steelpan and a masquerader's headpiece. The warm, tropical colour palette reflects the Caribbean home and heritage of the editors.
"Bunde y Bullerengue" by Algris Xiomara Aldeano; printed and published in 2010; Spanish edition:
Aldeano's "Bunde and Bullerengue" - the English version - was printed and published in 2011:
A minimal but significant colour deviation from the initial Spanish publication ensures differentiation on bookshelves but still aesthetically shows the tie between the two books.
Original World Press

Original World Press

Book covers designed for academic publications by Original World Press
