TED Talk: Be an artist, right now!
From a young age I felt learned to learn more about art. Whether it be dancing, piano classes, drawing, or photography, I always wanted to explore more of the create world, and to learn more about myself through it. 
Be an Artist, Right Now, the TED Talk, motivates us to follow our creative instincts. In a world were since a young age our inner artists have been oppressed, this TED Talk gives us a reason to hold on to art. 
I think the biggest thing I learned from this video is that it is very easy to get caught up in my own head about the art I make if I am not fast enough or involved enough with my work. There are so many projects I have dreamed of, and begun that I never finished because I let the voices in my head talk me out if. It was always "I'm not good enough", "someone else could do this better than me", "is this even gonna make actual change?" 
From now on, I want to change the narrative. I make art to be happy, to be more connected with the world around me, to do something about the things that matter to me. I won't let my fears push me away from following my dreams. 
TED Talk: Be an artist, right now!

TED Talk: Be an artist, right now!


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