Bench to experience the slowness

project name : SLOW TIME BENCH
designer : JIN SEONG HUN
In 2022, we started the project with the goal of finding a concept that fits cultural trends and the background of the times. I thought that the keyword that best describes the current era is the short form. High-speed consumption Images and information are being rapidly consumed in culture. 

Every moment needs to be looked back on or take a break from the fast, powerful messages and provocative expressions. It is a design that expresses slow space and time so that you can feel slow time in it.
Bench for slow experience

Feeling "slow" is relative, so it varies from person to person. It is influenced by personal experiences and emotions.
In my personal experience, when I see the style of old buildings, I imagine the daily life of those days and feel the slow moments.

However, the slowness I feel through my personal experience is difficult for many people to empathize with. Therefore, by using the slow and personal experience that can be felt on a relative scale that can be felt in common, it expresses slowness, the moment you sit down, it slows down for a while surrounded by buildings of various scales.
Surrounded by various buildings, it is a design that allows you to experience a relatively slow space.

There are a total of 3 scale buildings, and the scale of the tile finish expressed for each building is also different.
The seat plate is made of stainless steel, and you can see the reflection in the river, and the inverted landscape below creates a dark night.

In addition, I designed it so that the figure reflected in the steel is connected to the figure below, so that you can be immersed not only when you sit down but also when you look at it.

Expressing slowness was the most difficult. I sympathized with a few people, but often couldn't convince them. I was inspired to see an airplane flying in the sky during a difficult time. It seemed to go much slower than the actual speed, The city seen from the plane also looked more peaceful than it looked in front of my eyes. We tried to apply this to the design using this.

Materials: ceramic tile, plywood, square wood, polished stainless steel, white cement, Plywood

1300 X 530 X 880(MM)

Production process
Bench to experience the slowness

Bench to experience the slowness
