Henkilön Manda Schweitzer-Miller profiili

Discovery - Fall 2010 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign

Join the Herd!
Discovery Communications 2010 flu shot campaign
Nobody enjoys getting the flu, in fact, it may be one of the most dreaded parts of Fall. When at Discovery Communications, Inc, I had the opportunity to create the 2010 flu vaccination campaign for an internal Discovery audience. While we tend to dread the flu, we also tend to dread needles and vaccines. In order to encourage employees to receive the vaccination we knew we needed a great spokesperson, one of both authority and fun. Luckily for us, Discovery has a number of wonderful channels, programming and talent, so we were able to find a great option right within our own house. Dr. Brent Ridge of "The Fabulous Beekman Boys" on Planet Green is both a doctor and a farmer, which proved a great example to play off of our theme, the idea of a herd immunity. With such a fantastic play on words, we knew we had the man for the job. The campaign took the form of posters, like the one you can see here, as well as email blasts and mentions on the official Discovery blog.

Discovery - Fall 2010 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign

Discovery - Fall 2010 Flu Shot Vaccination Campaign

Discovery Communications flu shot campaign 2010
