Irene Nguyens profil

App to Book Classrooms at UC Berkeley

App to Book Classrooms 
@ UC Berkeley 
UC Berkeley students struggle on a daily basis to find a study spot on campus. Libraries are overcrowded, and there is currently no way to inform students of the availabilities at different study spaces, so students cannot plan their study sessions as well as club meetings efficiently. HMW optimize study spaces to accommodate more students?
User Research

User Persona
Journey Map 

A booking system where students can book seats in study spaces in advance similar to how they are currently booking study rooms. This can be coupled with student ID scanners at the entrance or at each table to eliminate the need to hand-check student IDs for reservations. All bookings and real-time data can be accessed via an app

I chose the first idea to go forward with because it was easier to implement and didn' rely on additional physical scanners which can be costly. 
Low-fi Prototype ​​​​​​​
Mid-fi Prototype (1st)​​​​​​​
Usability Testing Feedback
1. Unclear what homescreen does with all of the rooms on individual buttons, which look cluttered. 
2. Don’t know if the different calendar layouts are necessary
“I don’t know if the average person would book enough rooms in a week to need the different calendar views”
3. Want to see floor layout, room facilities (projector)
“If I’m looking for a room near my classes, I want to know where it lies in the layout of the floor. Just the room number itself doesn’t tell me anything.” 
“I would want to know if the room has projectors, if it has a whiteboard/blackboard”
4. Like that they can sync with GG Calendar 

Mid-fi Prototype (updated)​​​​​​​
Hi-fi Prototype ​​​​​​​
Click here to interact with the prototype 
App to Book Classrooms at UC Berkeley

App to Book Classrooms at UC Berkeley


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