Mane Sargsyans profil

zestengusto/ music band / logo presentation.

Project © 2022
Visual identity of a music band: zestengusto.                           
All uses, reuses of the concept for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited.
The Logotype was created in graffiti-style lettering to show the viewer band's individuality, for many years graffiti was expected to be the voice of the streets, now we use this style to show that the newly born band has something to say to its listeners.

The challenge was how we visually express the essence of a music band with simple letters and, how to create a logo that reflects the distinctiveness of the band. 
Zestengusto (orig. "zest & gusto") is the love for your craft that makes you patiently learn and gently put all the subtle pieces in meticulously thought out places, which in the end leads to the most genuine feeling of joy you can achieve by doing what you love.
Based in Yerevan, Armenia, the band offers a mix of soulful funk/hip-hop grooves with native Armenian lyrics on top of it.

zestengusto is Areg Gevorgyan, Arman Mnatsakanyan and Arman Peshtmaljyan.
Photos by - David Galstyan
zestengusto/ music band / logo presentation.


zestengusto/ music band / logo presentation.
