Nathan de Villiers's profile

Open Brief: The Lucky Foot

In this project we were given a selection of loose, open briefs. The one I ended up selecting was one concerned with the conceptualisation of an eatery and the production of its menu and graphic elements. A cohesive brand identity needed to be created as well as various elements that would be seen in a culinary location like menus, signage and other visuals.

The concept I worked on was that of The Lucky Foot, a fictional, pop-up cocktail bar and eatery on Kloof Street which focused on the preparation and consumption of rabbit meat. Rabbits are a livestock commonly produced and eaten in Europe and the eatery aims to bring the sustainable and delicious meat to South African consumers in familiar flavour combinations and recipes. Farmed rabbits are a sustainable and environmentally-friendly source of meat when processed and maintained correctly and in the interest of pursuing sustainable meat consumption, I thought they deserved some time in the culinary spotlight.
Despite eventually pursuing the concept of a meat alternative pop-up eatery, I considered creating a cookbook instructing the reader on how to prepare and safely consume roadkill.
However, this concept was visually thematic with past projects and I decided to abandon it. I still wanted to push the boundaries of what is considered “consumable” so chose rabbit meat, a relatively common (albeit fancy) delicacy in places like Western Europe. This is a practice continued from mankind’s first steps alongside the rabbits that share the earth with us.
Food is a concept near and dear to my heart so I thoroughly enjoyed having the chance to play with a familiar idea. This brief also gave me the opportunity to include illustrated elements, something I take pride in crafting meticulously. Despite the anxiety around the beginning of my final academic year, I think I’ve finally started to get the hang of spacing out my compositions and making wise choices in terms of typeface and visual elements. This brief also served as a worthwhile challenge for me in order to move away from my reliance on black as a focus colour in much of my work, instead choosing blue and red as they reminded me of Delft pottery, a craft with much historical significance in the Cape.
Open Brief: The Lucky Foot

Open Brief: The Lucky Foot
