Nayef Rouchel Amal's profile


Dar Al Tauhid 2 Islamic Boarding School is a prestigious institution located in Arjawinangun, Cirebon, Indonesia which is a branch of the renowned Dar Al Tauhid 1, established in 1932 by the highly respected Islamic scholar, KH Abdullah Syathori and is currently being operated and supervised by his own son, KH. Abdurrahman Ibnu Ubaidillah Syathori. The school is dedicated to providing a comprehensive Islamic education to its students, with a focus on preparing them for the challenges of the modern world. 

The school's mission is to create an Islamic generation equipped with knowledge, skills, and values to thrive in today's globalized and technologically advanced society, emphasizing the integration of Islamic teachings with modern knowledge and skills, nurturing students' spiritual, moral, and ethical development, and instilling the importance of Quran memorization. The curriculum provides a strong foundation in core Islamic disciplines and a comprehensive range of subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, and languages, including Quranic studies. The school places a strong emphasis on character development and community service to cultivate a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement in students. Through a rigorous academic program, a supportive and nurturing learning environment, and a commitment to the values of Islam, the school aims to empower students to become leaders and agents of positive change in the world.


The logo of Dar Al Tauhid 2 is a powerful representation of the institution's commitment to Islamic education. It draws inspiration from the previous Dar Al Tauhid 1 logo and incorporates several elements that are significant to the institution's philosophy and values.

The centerpiece of the logo is the dome of a mosque, which symbolizes the core of the education that Dar Al Tauhid 2 offers. The mosque is not just a place of worship but also an Islamic center where students come to learn and gain knowledge. The dome represents the unity and universality of Islamic knowledge, which is the foundation of the institution's educational philosophy.

The mosque minaret, which is merged with a pen, represents the institution's commitment to scholarship and learning in the Islamic field. The minaret is a traditional symbol of the mosque and represents the call to prayer, while the pen signifies the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual advancement. Together, they symbolize the importance of integrating faith and reason in the pursuit of knowledge.

The yellow book, which is a common color for Arabic traditional books, represents the core of the learning that takes place at Dar Al Tauhid 2. The use of traditional Arabic books signifies the institution's respect for the rich history and tradition of Islamic scholarship, and its commitment to preserving and advancing this knowledge for future generations.​​​​​​​

Overall, the logo of Dar Al Tauhid 2 is a powerful and meaningful representation of the institution's values and commitment to Islamic education and scholarship. It represents the unity of knowledge and faith, and the importance of pursuing intellectual advancement while staying true to Islamic principles and values. The logo serves as a symbol of the institution's dedication to fostering a deep understanding of Islamic principles and values through rigorous academic study and research, and its mission to prepare students to become leaders in the Islamic community and beyond.

Designed by Nayef Rouchel Amal


