Mansa Mangal
Mansa mangal is a short research-based project on the folklores of Bengali literature. Several Bengali poets, such as "Ketakadas Kshemananda", wrote their work on various regional folklores and named them "kavyas."
Famous kavyas include Mansa kavya, Chandi kavya, and Shasti kavya, and native people have preserved the essence of these stories for centuries.
Mansa Mangal tells the story of Goddess Mansa, who challenged Merchant Chand Sagar to touch her feet and worship her. Wherever Chand, as a Shiva devotee, refused to worship anyone but Shiva, even refused to accept her as a deity. Behula is a character who represents Indian values and culture. The story follows these characters on their divine journey while also imparting some human values and lessons.
Mansa Mangal is a digital Pattchitra, a Bengali folk art that was originally done on a piece of cloth.
Pattchitra is an art form that tells stories through visual arts and story boards. In my project, I am presenting a series of ten detailed Pattchitra that tell the story of Mansa.
The pattchitra are arranged and formed as a short indian comic and formed a 
story book.

Mansa Mangal's entire project is a short story book with a set of ten Pattchitra and folk poems to give it a complete touch of Bengali literature.

The entire project will be released soon.

Mansa Mangal


Mansa Mangal
