Profiel van Yelena Parker

Online Marketing in Uncertain Times: How Do You Do It?

Online Marketing in Uncertain Times: How Do You Do It?
To survive the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic crisis, several organisations are actively reassessing their marketing strategies. Making your marketing budget work even harder in these uncertain times is crucial, especially when it comes to SEO in Sri Lanka and the expertise of any international SEO consultant.

However, it is not just a matter of investing more money in marketing and hoping for greater outcomes, because SEO packages in Sri Lanka can vary. Smart companies are taking advantage of these difficult times to reach out to customers in fresh ways, demonstrating their understanding of the value of proactive communication and disseminating words of encouragement and promotional offers. The virus is fostering a sense of community among businesses, which is boosting communication through regular website updates, greater social media activity, PR efforts, and personalised emails to loyal customers.

Launching marketing initiatives can be difficult. The job of a marketer is to sell a brand's product or service while simultaneously educating consumers about it and appealing to a wide range of demographics. Many businesses want to target and primarily market to a small segment of the population. However, as economic uncertainty increases, it gets harder and harder to persuade them to buy.

So, what do you do during these trying times?

SEO has always been a long-term endeavour, and profitability achieved by extreme cost-cutting techniques typically only yields a temporary advantage. Therefore, we would like to ask: Will you find yourself in a solid position within the industry when this challenging time is over, or will you need to rebuild your web marketing foundation from scratch?

Naturally, this does not imply that you should carry on in the same manner as before. The amazing thing about online marketing is the flexibility to adjust and alter techniques to keep up with them as the times and trends change daily.

Here are a few ways your business could use them to uplift your marketing needs:

To enhance your reputation, highlight your achievements.
Good and upbeat tales in times of turbulence, using encouraging case studies, newsletters, customer quotes, and business successes are reassuring, confident messages to share. They cut through the din of apprehension and reassure your customers and prospects. This is a fantastic way to enhance your reputation as a business that genuinely cares about its clients.

Increase your content marketing efforts.
People want to know that things are still going as usual during these difficult times. More information than merely how the virus is hurting every firm is what they want to know. Customers and clients require more access points to their favourite companies than ever before. By offering the most beneficial, entertaining, and captivating material you can, you may establish these points of contact.

Consider employing several forms of content as you adjust your content marketing strategy to suit this need and keep your messages pertinent and compassionate. Anything is acceptable right now, including videos, eBooks, presentations, podcasts, infographics, newsletters, etc.

Make certain to respond to client concerns.
Making sure you pay attention to and answer the needs of your clients or audience is more important than anything else. Disable your scheduled postings and re-examine your data. Is it pertinent to your customers? Is it pertinent to your industry? When the going is smooth, automation is fantastic, but when the going is rough, everything should be done by hand.

Incorporate more human elements.
In uncertain times, it is crucial to alter marketing to incorporate more human elements. The emphasis shifts from "we are in this together and we are here when you need us" to "we are in this together and we are here when you need us". It is always critical to ensure that your marketing initiatives reflect the ideals of your company, but this is especially true in difficult times.

Examine your visibility online.
It could be a good idea to revisit your website now to strengthen your internet visibility. Examine your search engine visibility to see how accessible you are to potential customers. Are the right teams receiving the incoming internet inquiries you receive and does anybody on staff check them? Additionally, it is important to verify that your website is mobile-friendly because, according to Google, 40% of users browse rival websites while 60% of users are reluctant to return to a mobile site that they had problems accessing.

Concentrate on the Channels with the Best ROI.
When the economy is uncertain, you might need to reduce your marketing budget and concentrate your limited resources on the channels that yield the best returns. When there is no margin for a mistake, use historical data and analytics to inform your choices. Set aside a little marketing budget for projects that produce results and spend it on media and content that appeals to your target audience.

Keep your current clients in mind
Getting new customers will be challenging during this period when everyone is being forced to cut back on their spending, bunker down, and try to wait for it all out. This means that businesses must put a lot of effort into retention. If you are unable to generate new money, you will need to put all your effort into maintaining what you currently have. Be sympathetic to their needs above all else. This is the moment for flexibility, even if they commit to paying a specific sum each month.
Online Marketing in Uncertain Times: How Do You Do It?

Online Marketing in Uncertain Times: How Do You Do It?


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