Profil użytkownika „Spike Turner”

Project - "Space Oddity" Spatial Audio Concept

Space Oddity.

For Earth Day 2022, a team of us produced this 360° video of the solar system. Each loudspeaker represents a planet, and Jesse Ho (our saxophonist) plays the role of Halley's Comet, following its approximate elliptical orbit. The sounds of the planets have been obtained from NASA and ESA's catalogues of sound recordings, and are actual sonifications of each respective planet. A backing track using MIDI and virtual instruments underscores the saxophone performance, and has also been spatially placed. 

As of May 2022, Halley's Comet is sitting near Neptune. It will pass Earth's proximity every 75 years - it's next return is predicted to be 2061.

Sound Technicians:
Spike Turner
Steaphan MacGill-Iosa

Jesse Ho

Post Production:
Spike Turner

(Best enjoyed with headphones!)
There is a download link to the supporting paper under "Source Files".
Project - "Space Oddity" Spatial Audio Concept


Project - "Space Oddity" Spatial Audio Concept
