B r a n d i n g D e s i g n
Lucienne Lazon
Lucienne Lazon, née le 24 novembre 1910 à Cambrai et morte le 3 février 2007 à
Saint-Didier, est une peintre, graveuse et joaillière française, créatrice du premier dessin de la Palme d'or du Festival de Cannes en 1955.

My Client like a logo symbol paying tribue to the Palm D'or with the letter L hidden within it also like a color scheme of dark blue background and gold lettering, yellow line inspired by the blue train which went from Paris to Nice in the 1920s.

Client need the following package designs:
1. Gift Bag
2. Packaging Box
3. Ring Box
4. Silk Ribbon design
So I'm trying to reach their need with making logo and luxury packaging design.

Let's make brand and friends.

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Thank You

Lucienne Lazon


Lucienne Lazon
