Tima Nikolenko's profile

Events in Subway (Maidan Nezalezhnosti)

Ukrainian show and concerts go underground in the truest sense
    At the most difficult time for the whole country. In gratitude to all the infinitely brave defenders of independence.
   For our unbroken people of Ukraine!
We manage to put on incredible shows.

No matter what Music and song are always in the soul of a Ukrainian
Independence Day Event Of Ukraine Live Show 2022 in Kyiv Metro
The metro sheltered not only peaceful people hiding from senseless rocket and bomb attacks. But also the whole team of the concert for the Independence Day of Ukraine this summer, as well as the world-famous show Voice this fall.

Artists give out a performance with goosebumps and tears in their eyes 

Thank you so much to everyone who makes these incredible things.

Especially Director Lovely Katya Tsarik ❤️ 
Voice Of Ukraine 2022 Final
Team of professionals from channel 1+1 Lead by Vladimir Zavadyuk and beloved ladies from TriDirection 
You are awesome 
Thanks for being with you

Still ahead!
Now we are all together even stronger and wiser.
Events in Subway (Maidan Nezalezhnosti)


Events in Subway (Maidan Nezalezhnosti)
