The purpose of these three works was to see how far I could push my work to fit into different mediums. I thought my work best suited more high brow magazines that talk about high art, fashion and cinema. Since my work has cinematic qualities, I hoped that my photos would shape up to fit within this medium. To put my images into these magazine formats, I used the website Canva which comes with different media templates such as magazines and film posters.
In this image, I edited my original photo by zooming in and desaturating the image. Since more fine art photography is typically black and white, I thought this would be fitting. The crimson text stands out from its colourless background, drawing attention to it. I decided this would be the fully film magazine as I thought the image had the most film-noir look compared to my others. To achieve this film noir effect more, I applied a film grain to the original image using Photoshop. I do really like how this turned out, but I was not keen on putting this kind of work into my project.
This was an attempt to try and make a "art" magazine. I don't think this is successful. The purple I used for the text was meant to compliment the green of the image but the purple was just too bright and makes the magazine look tacky. Since this is supposed to be "high-art," this doesn't really succeed in what I was aiming for. However, I do like the image I used for this experiment as well as the way I edited it for it to fit within the boundaries of the magazine format. Maybe if I choose to pursue this kind of medium in future, I could do more research into real established art magazines to understand where to put text and how to format it.
Here, I attempted to make a more retro magazine format which was strictly about photography. I think the very bare bones layout could be added to a little. However, the lack of text does aid the full cover image which also makes sense as it is a photography magazine. The title of the magazine also anchors with the main image as there is the word fog and the actual fog in the image.
I think if I were to actually pursue this kind of medium, I would need to do a lot more research on the type of content that is typically seen in the magazine I was trying to create. At this point in my work, I am sure of what I want to do as a final piece and the shoots I have been conducting reflect this as I have been shooting with the idea that eventually they will be put into a photobook. I also don't think the format of posters or magazines would aid the message I am trying to convey as it is very personal and magazines come off as very mass-produced and consumer heavy rather than an individual piece.



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