Retina Associates sin profil

Treating Conditions of the Uvea in the Eye

Identifying and Treating Conditions of the Uvea in the Eye

Led by Dr. Cameron Javid, Retina Associates is a Tucson, Arizona, retina specialist practice that delivers advanced diagnostic and treatment services. Among the conditions that Retina Associates addresses are uveitis, which impacts one of the three tissue layers surrounding the eye's gel-filled center cavity.

With the outer sclera providing the eye with its strong white wall and the inner retina sensing light and sending signals to the brain, the middle uvea contains a myriad of blood vessels that provide the eye with nourishment. There are three main types of uveitis, or inflammation of the uvea layer. This condition is caused by systemic inflammatory disease, injury, etc.

When the inflammation impacts the uvea toward the front of the eye, the condition is known as anterior uveitis. Typically starting without warning, it can last for weeks and may return even after the initial inflammation eases. Intermediate uveitis impacts the middle of the eye and has symptoms that can last anywhere from several weeks to several years. Swelling of the uvea at the back of the eye is known as posterior uveitis. This form typically involves gradual onset and, left untreated, can become chronic.

In serious cases, all three layers may be involved. Blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and red eye (with or without pain) are common symptoms. Uveitis treatment ranges from corticosteroid eye drops to injections and oral medications that ease inflammation.
Treating Conditions of the Uvea in the Eye

Treating Conditions of the Uvea in the Eye
