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roku + san branding project

roku + san: self-branding project
For a school assignment | Design and artwork by Victoria lim.

Just like how an artist create their masterpiece with each layer of paint, pâtissier skillfully incorporates different layers of flavours and textures into a delicate piece of dessert.

roku + san is an artisanal dessert shop that is inspired by the layered patterns and textures of natural rock and crystal formations. As this assignment required us to have some form of personal input, I picked 4 different desserts to represent the different facets of my personality. I believe that as human beings, we’re all very complex people who show different sides of ourselves to different groups of people. And just like geode, you have to crack open the shell to see the different layers of one’s personality to get to know them. This is the basis for roku + san.

roku + san branding project

roku + san branding project
