Профиль Thomas Horrigan

Monothematic Publication | Frenetic Aesthetics

Monothematic Publication
Frenetic Aesthetics: Observational Horror and Spectatorship

A monothematic interpretation of ‘Frenetic Aesthetics’, an examination of observational horror, being the existence of the camera within the narrative to enhance spectatorial epistephilic appeal. The publication combines typographic layout and compositional narrative to creating an innovative, engaging and conceptually driven reading experience. Centred on investigation, the publication seeks to evoke a desire to know within the reader shared by observational horror. Transforming publication and analysis into an involved investigative act seeking to stoke the readers curiosity and epistphilic desires, similar to that of a detective.
Photography used as part of this project was obtained from free use creative commons sources
Cover Design

A minimalist anaglyphic aesthetic was chosen in correlation with the primary themes of horror and spectatorship, promoting mystery and intrigue alongside representing the juxtaposition between the publication’s analytical contents and subject matter.

Visual Layout & Spreads

Illustrations were kept simple and vague to create a sense of mystery, a mixture of subtle and direct capturing the sudden emotional shift of horror and demanding further investigation to comprehend. Typography was extended into a more involved and expressive pictorial style, reinforcing the dual tonal facets of unexpectedness and intrigue. Compounded by stylistic simplicity, photographic manipulations amplify undercurrent themes of investigation by encouraging readers to closely examine and piece together what they are seeing.

Alternative Cover Designs
Monothematic Publication | Frenetic Aesthetics

Monothematic Publication | Frenetic Aesthetics
