Project title: Bonart typography
Client's name: Bonart magazine
Category: typography design
Type of project: Degree's class activity

Description: This project consisted of designing a typography for Bonart's magazine header. The typography was made of six modules; 3 for the horizontal bars, the vertical steams, the ascendents and the descendents, 1 for the link, and 1 to close the stroke of the bowl on the side or to link the hook. And the last one is to create the point of the "i" and the "j", to make some terminations. On some of the letters there's an opening the inferior part of the bowl.

The direction of each stroke and its ending is the one it would be done with manual writting. The ascendent and descendent height is 1/4 smaller than x's height. And the distance in the kerning is the same width than the steams. ​​​​​​​I tried to make some contras in between the links and the main strokes so the typography looks more interesting and playful.

Magazine design - mockup with the typography
Typography modules
Bonart Typography
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Bonart Typography

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