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Essential oils for skin

Essenital oils for skin
Essential oils for skin are extracted from the root, bark, stem or leaves. They are fine oils with strong aromas. They evaporate quickly. They do not become rancid over time, but can oxidize and lose their therapeutic properties. They should be stored in opaque glass bottles that filter light and in dark, cool places.
How do you mix essential oils for skin ?

Pure oils should never be applied to the skin. They should be used diluted with a base oil (vegetable oil) as they can cause skin irritation. They should also not be used if you are pregnant. The only ones that can be used undiluted are: Tea Tree and Lavender. Together, essential oils have the following cosmetic properties:
Many of them promote relaxation by their scent alone.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect and provide a better appearance.
They promote the elimination of toxins.
They eliminate bacteria that cause infections (antiseptic effect).
Healing, as they promote the regeneration of the skin.
Regulators of the sebaceous glands.
They promote cell regeneration because they contain vitamins, minerals and proteins that penetrate the skin layers.
In general, it can be said that oils promote skin regeneration, provide elasticity and form a protective layer on the skin, moisturizing it and protecting it from environmental influences. They act not only through the skin, but also through the olfactory system to the brain (relaxing).

Essential oils for the skin

Rose: one of the most effective oils for skin care. In addition to its rich, feminine scent, it has excellent healing and curative properties that support the daily recovery process of the skin. The effects of rose oil and rose water are tested and proven. Rose oil helps to keep the skin healthy, supple and elastic and prevents wrinkles. It is suitable for all skin types, especially dry, sensitive and mature skin.

Lavender: Of all the oils, it is perhaps the most versatile. It has antiseptic properties, is very gentle and non-aggressive. It promotes tissue regeneration and prevents the formation of scars on damaged skin or on skin with wounds or burns. So it is very good for any skin injury. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used directly on the skin, on wounds and burns.

Thyme oil: use with caution (never more than 5 drops), as it can irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Its action is antiseptic, healing, eliminates dermatosis, tones and rebalances the skin. It cleanses all skin types.

Ylang ylang oil: Can be used only in dilution. Caution for eyes and mucous membranes. Proven aphrodisiac properties and ability to energize us. Stimulates on all levels: physical, mental, sexual, psychological. Strengthens skin and hair.

Chamomile: decongestant, very suitable for children. Due to its soothing, decongestant and relaxing properties, it is recommended for skin problems of nervous or stress origin, such as dermatitis or eczema. Excellent for sensitive skin, irritations, rashes and reddened skin.

Neroli: Neroli is the oil extracted from the orange blossom, the flower of the orange tree. Strong antiseptic and bactericide. It stimulates the formation of new skin cells. Like rose and lavender, it is one of the most classic and intoxicating fragrances: stimulating, fresh and citrusy. It is traditionally used to soothe the skin and also has a mild toning and astringent effect.

Tea Tree: valuable ally of the skin thanks to its antiseptic, antifungal and antiviral properties, which are also very mild. It can be applied directly to the skin. Used for a variety of skin problems and as a general disinfectant.

Essential oils for skin

Essential oils for skin

