Konstantinos Bouras-Baimakos profili

ΟΝΑΡ (ONAR Winery Company Branding)

Research & Main Idea
Local winery from Archanes of Crete.

A university project about branding a local wine company, named "ONAR" (Dream, in ancient greek).
The designs occured from the company's name itself. Inspired by ancient Greek architecture and murals, the combination with modern graphic design give a pleasing aesthetic, that proves the winerys nature: the connection between the future and the past. Modern design with traditional wine. The company logo is also inspired bu ancient Minoan designs.
Business Cards
ΟΝΑΡ (ONAR Winery Company Branding)
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ΟΝΑΡ (ONAR Winery Company Branding)

School project- ONAR Cretan Winery company branding.

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