The first page of OPERA VITAE is an alternative presentation of the conventional professional profile one would find a traditional CV. This layout is a syncretic synthesis of several archaic, classic and modern stylistics. I wanted to steer away from the hackneyed description of the 'efficient' and 'dynamic' candidate with 'a keen interest' in something wholly uninteresting, followed by a pie chart of my personal attributes in shades of orange, teal and sand. Instead, I opted for a representation that reflected my creative tastes and interests.

My profile photo pays homage to two Jean-Paul Goude photographs: (i) Grace Jones, New York, 1981, and (ii) Grace Jones slave to the rhythm, 1986. It also belies a Warhol polaroid fame fantasy. Incidentally, the Gracian hair (digitally hyperstyled lol) resembles a Canterbury cap worn by Renaissance ecclesiasts. I specifically chose (and love) the striped shirt because it reminds me of circus artistes. The black crescent sliver creates a moon-like effect. A lil' bit sexy, a lil' bit silly. The punk priest of alchemy.

I intentionally chose to use the word PORTRAIT, as opposed to 'profile' or 'bio', for its more archaic, almost Victorian nuance. I made several such semantic substitutions throughout the document to evoke the mood of an occult tome. The paragraph text is one half magick and one half disco.

My proffered creative roles are presented as a tarot deck. I have become mildly obsessed with tarot archetypes and illustrations, especially contemporary takes that blend modern metaphors with medieval iconography. I knew all those printed shirts would serve a higher purpose one day. Artist and cousin, Ewald Esselen, took the photos and applied the edits. The garments were selected to reflect the roles, but were also matched in a way that looked pleasing enough in the logical arrangement of the roles. I will also reveal that, true to my sorcery, I arranged the deck with a certain diagrammatic intention. I'm not saying I truly believe in that kind of thing, but I'd be lying if I claimed it wasn't done to imbue the page with magic power. So yes, I admit it, I tried to put a spell on you and I hope it worked.


