Furukawa-fes Overall view
A picture that expresses the highlights of the festival held over two days in spring every year. Events that are held at various places and times called "Festival of Stillness and Motion" are organized and arranged from top to bottom. I am working on the fukiage ceiling painting used in traditional Japanese paintings with a painting method that creates angles with gold leaf clouds.

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Naked men carry a turret and march through the town at night. The purpose is to let the gods come down to the town with drums.
I'm the right side of the shaved head on the bottom left at 38 seconds.
Furukawa-fes Overall view


Furukawa-fes Overall view

The city of Hida requested me to create a guide map that will give you an overview of the Furukawa Festival at a glance, and encourage the citize 자세히 보기
