Boipelo Marema 님의 프로필

Mumbo Jumbo | Graphic vocabulary

ILL 301.1 | Graphic vocabulary 

Brief Summary 

The project consists of developing a suitable visual language for a fictional awards event that centres around specific achievements in design. The design direction is inspired by a well-suitable persona and sponsor to anchor the event campaign, with the necessary collateral for a wide range of outdoor, online and operational platforms. 


01 | Outdoor media 
02 | Promotional git 
03 | Event programme
04 | Event tags 

Design Strategy : 

Given that the task required one to develop an appropriate visual language for an award event celebrating copywriting in advertisements, the persona of Nicki Minaj inspires the visual style . Similar to the chosen persona, the visual style is flamboyant, bold, colourful and wild. The illustrations and colour palette adopt a fun tone and are used across the roll out for the event campaign and marketing 

Concept and visual development :

Mumbo Jumbo | Graphic vocabulary


Mumbo Jumbo | Graphic vocabulary
