Profil appartenant à Tzu-Chen Peng

HOHO FAMILY - Logo Design

HOHO FAMILY - Logo Design
This project is a personal project. HOHO FAMILY is a fictitious animal welfare organization. The goal of HOHO FAMILY is to rescue stray dogs and cats. Then, help the animals be adopted. The logo combine dog's mouth and home. The mouth represent animal's happiness. The logo means HOHO FAMILY brings the animals home.
Date: May 2021
Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator
Design & Animated: Tzu-Chen, Peng
Background Research
During the process, I tried different type and multiple ways to set the paw in the logo. I considered the balance and the emotion of the logo. Finally, I made the first one O become a tilt paw to express the lively feeling and made the second O straight to create a balance logo.
Motion Logo
HOHO FAMILY - Logo Design
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HOHO FAMILY - Logo Design

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