(SMILE in portuguese) is an organization dedicated to supporting people with any kind of disability, aiming to guarantee their social inclusion and rehabilitation. 

"The ideal that moves us is the concretization of an inclusive world, in which everyone would be able to live with dignity and respecting the human diversity" - João B, President

SORRI é uma entidade que atende pessoas com qualquer tipo de deficiência, visando a inclusão social e a reabilitação.

“O ideal que nos motiva é a concretização de um mundo inclusivo, 
no qual todos somos capazes de viver dignamente com respeito à diversidade humana.” !
João Bidu - Presidente 

The main goal of this project was to create an easily recognizable symbol, even for people with visual, mental or other kinds of disabilities that have contact with the institution.

After defining these guidelines, we developed a research in order to discover the brand essence, and the emotions that the symbol should convey.


Meu desafio foi criar um símbolo reconhecível por pessoas com baixa visão, deficientes mentais,
idosos e todo o tipo de pessoa que pudesse ter contato com a marca.

A partir desse ponto comecei a buscar a essência da marca e qual as emoções
que deveriam estar impressas em seu símbolo 

The symbol is formed by the union of a cursive small caps "s" and a smile, representing the learning trajectory.

We're all subject to change and able to adapt to new situations in order to follow our path, the lines represent this idea of adaptation and movement.
Thanks for your appreciation!


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Academic Work - 2013 SORRI (SMILE) is an organization focused on supporting people with any kind of disability, aiming to guarantee their social Развернуть
