Profilo di liliana perez

Centaur: The Most Noble Roman

Centaur: The Noblest Roman
For this project I was asked to design a poster to sell a font to a designer. The poster needed to have the following information:
The font name
The designer
Samples of the available weights
A brief history,
The pricing and contact information. 

To accomplish this I researched about how Centaur came to be and learned about how the original version of this font was created exclusively for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1914 and was later redone for public consumption.  The name "The Most Noble Roman" was given to the font in an add meant to promote the font so I thought it was appropriate to title this project the same. 

Below you can find a little of my designing process.
Centaur: The Most Noble Roman

Centaur: The Most Noble Roman
