Reject Anxiety, 2022
(Art direction, Branding, Object, Illustration, Photography, Print)

Reject Anxiety is a self-project with the mission to help young Australians. We are educating and helping tackle anxiety going into the future and pursue a world where mental health symptoms are under the individual's control instead of the audience feeling controlled by their anxiety.

Since the pandemic, mental health was brought to the attention of the world. Going into a world where lockdowns are a thing of the past, with a society living with COVID-19, we have this opportunity to use what the pandemic gave us, the ability to help those understand what anxiety is and how detrimental it can be.​​​​​​​
Reject Anxiety are small, everyday products ranging from coasters, necklaces and wristbands. These products will educate audiences about what anxiety can look like, specifically telling people of the symptoms they or others may be experiencing to ensure actions of seeking help from Swinburne counsellors are prompted. ​​​​​​​
The campaign also comes with supporting designs of posters, tote-bags, T-shirts and a publication guide. 
The publication guide above is a small journal for individuals to write their thoughts and feelings down. This is a popular method for coping with anxiety, and can give audiences the opportunity to discuss their thoughts written in the guide to their counsellor. 
Reject Anxiety

Reject Anxiety
